The Obesity Epidemic: 10 Possible Causes

The Obesity Epidemic: 10 Possible Causes

Obesity is generally known to be connected to a lack of physical exercise and the consumption of fast food. However, the evidence that they are the primary causes of obesity is mostly speculative. Experts recommend 10 more probable causes of obesity in the International Journal of Obesity to spark discussion.

1. You owe yourself some sleep.

 Sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in body weight. Many people today get less sleep than ever before.

2. Pollution. 

Hormones are in charge of regulating body weight. Many of today's contaminants also have an impact on our hormones.

3. There is air conditioning.

If your atmosphere is too hot or cold to be comfortable, you must burn calories. However, more people than ever before live and work in climate-controlled environments.

4. Smoking cessation.

 Smoking causes weight loss. People now smoke far less than they did in the past.

Obesity and fertility are connected

5. Medicine.

 Weight gain can be caused by a variety of medications, including contraceptives, steroid hormones, diabetes medications, some antidepressants, and blood pressure medications. The use of these medications is increasing.

6. Age and ethnicity of the population. 

Obesity is more common among middle-aged and Hispanic-Americans than among young European-Americans. The population of the United States is aging and becoming more Hispanic.

7. Mothers in their eighties and nineties. 

There is some evidence that the older a mother is when she gives birth, the greater the likelihood of her child becoming obese. Women are giving birth at an increasing age.

8. The setting in which our forefathers lived. 

It's possible that some influences date back two generations. Environmental alterations that made a grandmother obese may pass on obesity to the grandchildren "through a fetally driven positive feedback loop."

9. Obesity and fertility are connected. 

Obese people are more fertile than slim persons, according to several studies. The percentage of fat people in the population should rise if obesity has a genetic component.

10. Obese spouses' unions. 

Fat women are more likely to marry obese men, and if obesity has a genetic component, the next generation will be even more obese.

These additional significant aspects are deserving of more attention and investigation. Additional explanations include a fat-producing virus, an increase in childhood unhappiness, a decrease in dairy consumption, and agricultural hormones. What do you believe is the cause of the epidemic?

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